Easy start walking programme

Please note that you are strongly advised to consult your GP before undertaking any new exercise programme.

Week 1

  • Choose three non consecutive days in the week.
  • Plan to walk for a maximum of 15 minutes at a moderate pace on fairly flat ground each time.

Week 2

  • Stick to three days in the week.
  • Still only walk for 15 minutes, but if you feel you can, try and pep it up a bit – then you may be able to walk a bit further in the same time as you did in week one.

Week 3

  • Increase to four days now.
  • Aim to walk for 20 minutes each time.
  • Start to think about a longer stride and with more purpose.
  • You should feel very warm at the end of it.

Week 4

  • Stick to four days but maybe change the route – a bit more uphill will add to the challenge.
  • Aim to walk for 25 minutes.
  • It really begins to feel like a proper workout now.

Week 5

  • Increase to five days now and stick with the 25 minutes.
  • If you use a step meter (pedometer), you will find that the increase in the number of steps you take is very motivating.